Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Darjeeling Calendar for a Cause

Here's one thing that all of us should support with our hearts and a bit of money...

Yours truely has also contributed 4 photographs in this Calendar!

Shanker Foundation Darjeeling Network of Positive People is the only foundation run by people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in the Darjeeling Hills. It believes and promotes the dignity and right to life of persons living with the disease.

Show you care by buying a Shanker Foundation Calendar and help people living with HIV AIDS in Darjeeling. (Rs 75/- only) An ideal gift for your loved ones for the year. 2008 Available at Glenarys, Das Studio and Products Himalaya

Contact - Roshan Rai +91-9932024812 & Vikram Rai +91-9832042879

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The Positive Calendar 2008 for Darjeeling

The Shanker Foundation Darjeeling Network of Positive People (DjNP+) is a forum addressing the concerns of people living with HIV in the Darjeeling Hills. It believes and promotes the dignity and right to life of persons living with the disease. It provides care and support to Positive People as well as undertake community awareness programmes around the Darjeeling Hills.

The foundation has members from all walks of life: mothers, young adults, children…the list is endless and increasing rapidly. The disease is yet to be accepted due to lack of awareness. Increasing number of women and children living with HIV is adding challenges to the Network. Due to their positive status, women and children living with HIV are further marginalized in a society which already marginalizes this vulnerable group.

The social stigma and discrimination attached to HIV/AIDS has made it extremely difficult for Shanker Foundation to come out in the open. In this regard, Shanker Foundation has decided to take out a Calendar for the year 2008 in order to raise awareness on HIV & AIDS as well as raise funds for the network. In this calendar, which depicts the day to day activities of the network members, 5 of the active members have decided to come out in the open as a means of giving a face to HIV AIDS in the Darjeeling Hills to reduce stigma.

We would like to request you and your organization to kindly support this initiative by sponsoring one of the pages of the Calendar for 2008. The name and logo of your organization will be featured prominently on the page that you sponsor. We are printing 2000 copies of the Calendar which will be distributed in the Darjeeling Hills and will also be sent all across India and the world.

For further details and information please contact

Namrata Edwards @ 9851150132 and Samir Sharma @ 9434209887

Thanking you and looking forward to a positive response.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

What Loreto College means to Darjeeling

The news of Loreto College Darjeeling to be handed back to the state government spells disaster for higher education in the hills. We already have a serious dearth of both good and enough number of colleges, forcing a brain drain from the Darjeeling hills. The latest development will cause more of our talents to flee the region.

Every girl child of the hills dreams of studying in Loreto College once she grows up. Loreto College Darjeeling is a symbol of women’s empowerment, opening doors to a brighter and a secure future. The goodwill of Loreto College is recognized not only nationally but even abroad, thus giving greater options to its wards.

We do not believe that the government can bring the same level of dedication and reputation to the college. Like other government-run colleges in the state, Loreto College once handed over, will also face a sharp drop in the quality of education imparted and the management of the institution itself. The future of our coming generations will be threatened.

We appeal to the Loreto fraternity to reconsider their decision to handover the college to the government. Loreto and Darjeeling share a deep bond, which would be ruinous for the hills if broken. We, as citizens, are committed to provide all the support that common people can bring to the cause and help to alleviate any difficulties the Loreto fraternity might be facing in running the college.

Save Loreto College. Save our Future.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Political turmoil and the Darjeeling Carnival 2007

Most of the volunteers for the Darjeeling Carnival are confused and worried on whether we can organise the Darjeeling Carnival 2007 or not. Cant blame them for their thoughts because the political situation in Darjeeling is volatile and confusing. The GNLF has been split into two and people dont know which sides to take.

We all feel that the show must go on as the Darjeeling Carnival is an apolitical outfit and we do not have any colours. We are here for the good of Darjeeling and we will carry on doing the good work. Cant say what the situation will be like in December but we still give it our best shot and move towards Darjeeling Carnival 2007.

Planning on meeting this weekend. Will inform everyone about the time and place for the meeting. Interested? Call me at 9434209887...samir

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Rock Music and Darjeeling

Darjeeling is and has always been famous for its musicians. Every house hold has atleast one member who plays some musical instrument or the other with the guitar being the most famous. So it is not surprising to find many good bands who come out every six months in Darjeeling. Some make it big in other places such as Kathmandu and Bombay, some are lucky to create their own identity in Darjeeling, but most of them end up unsuccessful in making a career out of it.

The reason our rock bands cannot make a living / career out of music is there is not enough oppurtunities to perform shows and make a living out music. The only one place in town that offers rock bands a platform and some money is The Buzz at Glenary's. There is also the lack of good jobs available. In the cities one can work in the day time and perform shows at night. Out here its impossible to do that.

It is therefore very saddening to hear that Sahdev and Sanjit of The Reincarnation are leaving for Delhi to find jobs as Music teacher. Sahdev is perhaps one of the finest guitarists to have come out of Darjeeling and Sanjit is very good drummer as well as a singer. A month ago we were planning on reviving The Reincarnation as they were so good at one time with their single "Hijo Samma" reaching cult status and creating waves and fan following. While Mantra kept playing and stayed together as a band The Reincarnation guys split up and ended doing their own gigs separately. Their come back performance was at the recently held Inter College Fest CONFLUENCE in Gymkhana with the younger generation still going wild with their originals.
We always blame our rock bands being not up to the mark compared to the cities, but the truth is there is no proper way out for these guys. Unless and until our guys get propoer job opportunities right here in Darjeeling our music scenario will not change drastically.
Till such times our musicians have suitable day time jobs and can dedicate enough time to their music, we must be ready to see them off to Delhi, Bangalore and other major cities where they can earn a living and keep their dreams aside...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

SCRATCH_War of DJs in Darjeeling

Threshold Entertainments is producing the first ever War of Djs "SCRATCH" in Darjeeling. The show will be held at the Darjeeling Gymkhana Club on 13 October from 3pm onwards. SCRATCH will encourage budding DJs from the Darjeeling Hills and provide a platform for them to showcase their talents. Each DJ will be allowed to play for 40 mins and will be adjudged on their style and mixing abilites.

The theme for this year is Get High on Life. Threshold Entertainments promotes subbstance abuse free shows and also promotes awareness on HIV & AIDS.
Interested DJs can get iin touch with Samir @ 9434209887 or Rajeev @ 9434180996 or write to them at thresholdentertainments@yahoo.com There will be no entry fee charged for the participating DJs.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Prashant Tamang takes Darjeeling hills by Storm

Dear All,
Here's a banner for Prashant created by one of my friends, Benoy, a big fan of Prashant himself. Lets vote for this guy to win the Indian idol, he's brought us all together. Atleast we have someone to look up to at the moment...