Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Darjeeling Calendar for a Cause

Tuesday, November 06, 2007
The Positive Calendar 2008 for Darjeeling

The social stigma and discrimination attached to HIV/AIDS has made it extremely difficult for Shanker Foundation to come out in the open. In this regard, Shanker Foundation has decided to take out a Calendar for the year 2008 in order to raise awareness on HIV & AIDS as well as raise funds for the network. In this calendar, which depicts the day to day activities of the network members, 5 of the active members have decided to come out in the open as a means of giving a face to HIV AIDS in the Darjeeling Hills to reduce stigma.
We would like to request you and your organization to kindly support this initiative by sponsoring one of the pages of the Calendar for 2008. The name and logo of your organization will be featured prominently on the page that you sponsor. We are printing 2000 copies of the Calendar which will be distributed in the Darjeeling Hills and will also be sent all across
For further details and information please contact
Namrata Edwards @ 9851150132 and Samir Sharma @ 9434209887
Thanking you and looking forward to a positive response.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
What Loreto College means to Darjeeling

Every girl child of the hills dreams of studying in Loreto College once she grows up. Loreto College Darjeeling is a symbol of women’s empowerment, opening doors to a brighter and a secure future. The goodwill of Loreto College is recognized not only nationally but even abroad, thus giving greater options to its wards.
We do not believe that the government can bring the same level of dedication and reputation to the college. Like other government-run colleges in the state, Loreto College once handed over, will also face a sharp drop in the quality of education imparted and the management of the institution itself. The future of our coming generations will be threatened.
We appeal to the Loreto fraternity to reconsider their decision to handover the college to the government. Loreto and Darjeeling share a deep bond, which would be ruinous for the hills if broken. We, as citizens, are committed to provide all the support that common people can bring to the cause and help to alleviate any difficulties the Loreto fraternity might be facing in running the college.
Save Loreto College. Save our Future.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Political turmoil and the Darjeeling Carnival 2007
We all feel that the show must go on as the Darjeeling Carnival is an apolitical outfit and we do not have any colours. We are here for the good of Darjeeling and we will carry on doing the good work. Cant say what the situation will be like in December but we still give it our best shot and move towards Darjeeling Carnival 2007.
Planning on meeting this weekend. Will inform everyone about the time and place for the meeting. Interested? Call me at 9434209887...samir
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Rock Music and Darjeeling

Thursday, September 27, 2007
SCRATCH_War of DJs in Darjeeling

The theme for this year is Get High on Life. Threshold Entertainments promotes subbstance abuse free shows and also promotes awareness on HIV & AIDS.
Interested DJs can get iin touch with Samir @ 9434209887 or Rajeev @ 9434180996 or write to them at thresholdentertainments@yahoo.com There will be no entry fee charged for the participating DJs.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Prashant Tamang takes Darjeeling hills by Storm
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
CONFLUENCE 07_Inter College Fest Darjeeling_update
Sunday, August 26, 2007
CONFLUENCE 07, Inter College Youth Fest, Darjeeling

Threshold Entertainments is managIng and producing a three day Inter College Youth Fest "CONFLUENCE 07" involving Students from all the Colleges of Darjeeling District and
The three days festivities also looks at promoting and increasing dialogue between youth and students of different colleges, creating an awareness on social issues and also encourage extra curricular activities to broaden the students’ interactive skills and over all perspective.
• Reinforce associative youth networks and structures at a regional and national level.
• Promote and increase the dialogue between youth
• Promote dialogue between youth associations and local communities
• Provide students with career opportunities through career fairs and workshops
• Raise awareness on social issues such as HIV-AIDS, Substance abuse, Human trafficking etc.
The highlights of this year:
· Fun Games (quiz, dumb charades, Dance Competition, etc.)
· Career Fair and Workshops
· Debates
· Discussions and awareness workshops on social issues
· Musical and Cultural Presentations
· Fashion Show _ “Inter College King” and “Inter College Queen”
· Music Competition _ ” Inter College Idol”
· Professional Rock acts from India and Nepal
· Art & Photography Exhibition
Saturday, July 28, 2007
The beauty of rural Darjeeling

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Waste Art and Mixed Media Show, Darjeeling
Good news, the first lady of Bengal, Mrs. Tara Gandhi has agreed to inaugurate the show!
The alarming waste, mainly plastic that saturates the region as landfill inspired PROD, Darjeeling Initiative, DLR Prerna and Darjeeling Police to organize an event that would motivate people to regard most discarded substance as a regenerative and recyclable resource conducive to the purpose of keeping Darjeeling clean.
We cannot alter the manner in which companies manufacture merchandise overnight, but we can change our conduct to be more ecologically friendly, saving our resources for another day and stopping places from becoming merely hosts for our garbage. Art can creatively bring attention to our careless, harmful, and unsustainable disposal practices by bringing the same refuse into the public's everyday life, and not allowing it simply to disappear into landfills, out of sight and consciousness. Those who see this prospective for art and encourage its practice can employ like devices in various arenas to increase the public's awareness and change individuals' actions.
While the prime goal of the event is of environmental awareness and a creative outlook to waste, the event also intends to arrive at the goal of providing a platform to the cultural and creative expression of the artists and creative professionals belonging to the Hills vis a vis the mixed media section of the show where creative liberty will not just limit them to the theme of recycled art.
All participating artists be it painters, photographers, cinematographers, designers (web and graphic), sculptors, tattoo artists, musicians, poets, writers and so forth will be sought to explore and showcase their respective art forms regardless of the theme.
Given the employment deprivation amongst deserving creative talent in the Hills, the event could also materialize as a means to garner beneficial professional clientele and outsourcing opportunities to the aspiring professionals.
Darjeeling traditionally puts up a significant program very year commemorating World Environment Day on June 5th; for 2007 the Team proposes a four-day Waste Art and Mixed Media show to begin its involvement in the social and physical fabric of the Darjeeling Hills.
The primary objectives of the event would be
1. To create a platform for art and design in the Darjeeling Hills with a strong emphasis on recycling and waste while promoting local artists.
2. To highlight the availability and distribution of Art in terms of socio-economic structures of the region, by attaching importance to local resources and community wellbeing so that it is accessible to the broader, mainly the younger social groups in our society.
3. To inspire children and young adults to heed for waste as a renewable resource.
Title of the event PROTECT & PROMOTE Darjeeling
Theme Waste Art and Mixed Media Show
Duration June 5th 2007 through June 8th 2007
Venue Hayden Hall, Darjeeling
Timings 9 am – 5pm
THE PROGRAMTowards education and outreach Art education / promotion and career guidance workshops during the 4-day event are an integral part of the occasion. An auction towards the end of the event will be facilitated in an attempt to make it a profitable involvement for the artists concerned.
Rousing young minds with an environment friendly attitude in Darjeeling is necessary; hence the participation and mobilization of schools and colleges for the event is a priority. Projects according to the waste art theme will be given to educational institutions to incorporate in their curriculum as well as display them in the art show.
A prize incentive will be awarded to the school with the best entry which will be judged by esteemed personalities of our town.
Every evening of the event will be cultural. Local musicians will perform original music (both digital and instrumental). Poetry and book reading sessions will also be held.
Discussions on Art and Media, Design, Waste Management, Film screenings will also be an integral part of the program. The show will entertain guest speakers from all relative fields and senior classical and local musicians.
A small eatery with comfortable seating arrangements will serve as a healthy informal environment for art enthusiasts / critics to voice their thoughts and views on various issues of concern and interest. Space will also be allotted to workshops and seminars.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Omni Lounge open in Darjeeling

Friday, March 09, 2007
My son's first step into academia
I wonder how our parents must have felt when they took us to school for the very first time. Hoping and praying that their sons and daughters would be perfect human beings and responsible citizens. But look at what monsters some of us turn out to be, letting all the big dreams coming crashing down. I cannot say I have been the perfect son myself. I have made a lot of mistakes in life, some of which I am still trying to rectify.
So as my son gets into school and the whole process of academia I do not have too much expectation from him to over achieve or be ambitious. When his calling comes I'm sure he will rise to the occasion and be himself.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Darjeeling and International Women's Day
Darjeeling is no different when it comes to women you would say. But there is something different here, in this place. Although I cannot say that we treat our women in the best manner possible, I still feel there is a lot of respect for our women folks in this town. We are more liberal with our wives and out daughters compared to the rest of India I would feel. In Darjeeling, there is no difference between a boy or a girl and we celebrate the birth of a daughter with as much gusto as that of a son. A lot of parents have even started believing that a daughter is more valuable than a son these days! What with guys getting into alcohol and substance abuse...
There are instances of wife beating and there is also a "Women's Cell" under the Darjeeling Police in order to serve and protect women. But these are much less compared to the rest of India. We dont burn women for dowry and neither do we believe in killing a baby girl in the womb. Daughter and sisters are encouraged to go to college and work towards a career. Perhaps the change lies in the education in the Darjeeling Hills. There are a lot of co-educational institutions here and boys are exposed to girls at an early age. We never treated our girl friends in college with disrespect and it has never occurred to me or my friends to treat girls or women any other way.
Some of my best friends are women whom I've known ever since my higher secondary days and the love of my life are my wife, my daughter, my sister and my mother! Ofcourse, I love my son too, but he's turning out to be such a brat...
Plastic Bag Ban in Darjeeling

Well, the dream finally becomes a reality today! As of this morning, the ban on use of poly bags in Darjeeling has started. It is being initiatied by the Darjeeling Police along with the Darjeeling Municipality and concerned local citizens such as yours truely.
A lot of discussions have been held in the past as to whether a ban is the best solution. People have felt that a voluntary process whereby people would stop using plastic bags themselves could work. But its been tried and tested for the last 10 years without any success. I know plastic bags are bad and are choking my drains causing landslides and slips, but have I stopped using plastic bags? No. Therefore I feel it is necessary for the police and the municipality to use a "stick and carrot" policy in order to save Darjeeling from doom.
People ask me, what about the monsoons, then what do we do? How do we carry our goods? I say to them, what did we do back in the good old days? I still remember going shopping with mom with a jute carry bag and paper being used to wrap everything else. We've just beeen spoilt for choices in Darjeeling and everywhere in India. What the West is giving up as harmful after so many years the 3rd world is lapping it up eagerly.
Anyways, the more people you ask for opinions, the more it gets complicated. I feel the Superintendent of Darjeeling Police, Mr. Rajesh Subarno has done the right thing by initiating the ban and thanks to the Darjeeling Municipality it is being implemented seriously. Lets give this process a chance and not harp on too many development theories as to what will work and what wont. After all Singapore did not become a litter and chewing gum free country without fines and punishment beinig imposed. So chill and use paper bags instead. The mantra is Reduce, Recycle and Reuse...
Sunday, January 21, 2007
OMNI_The New Lounge Bar in Darjeeling
As of now, the sofas are ready. The painters are supposed to finish their job by Tuesday and then the flooring needs to be done. Am still looking around for artifacts for the walls and have come across some good stuffs at the local curios. Suraj will be sitting down with the staff this week and checking out all the F&B areas. We hope to start by February 1st week. So if you are around town then do drop in...
For reservations call 09434209887 / 09733004886
or write to me at omnilounge@gmail.com