Every girl child of the hills dreams of studying in Loreto College once she grows up. Loreto College Darjeeling is a symbol of women’s empowerment, opening doors to a brighter and a secure future. The goodwill of Loreto College is recognized not only nationally but even abroad, thus giving greater options to its wards.
We do not believe that the government can bring the same level of dedication and reputation to the college. Like other government-run colleges in the state, Loreto College once handed over, will also face a sharp drop in the quality of education imparted and the management of the institution itself. The future of our coming generations will be threatened.
We appeal to the Loreto fraternity to reconsider their decision to handover the college to the government. Loreto and Darjeeling share a deep bond, which would be ruinous for the hills if broken. We, as citizens, are committed to provide all the support that common people can bring to the cause and help to alleviate any difficulties the Loreto fraternity might be facing in running the college.
Save Loreto College. Save our Future.