Everythings's so festive during the 10 days of the Carnival but people hardly notice the amount of hard work and sweat that goes into making those 10 days perfect. Preparations start from September onwards and reaches full swing by October end. Fund raising is a real pain and every year I have to spend atleast a month in Delhi and Calcutta tryng to raise sponsorship for the event. I guess I have to start packing my bags once again.
Every year there are a set of new volunteers and team mates. People have to carry on with their personal live also. This is what I keep telling my friends. We have to be prepared to let go and allow new faces and new leadership to carry the Carnival forward. The show has to go on.
But I really miss my old team... Karma, Yankee, Navraj and so many more who have gone ahead looking for greener pastures. I wish them luck and pray that some day they will return for another edition of the Darjeeling Carnival.
You write evocatively,deep emotions tend to surface.
I was around in November when the last carnival was going on,enjoyed it.
Would be in Darjeeling next week,at Sailong Inn-do let me know if I could be of help.
098300 06010
Hi Ashit,
Any kind of help is most welcome with regards the Carnival cos its a community effort and there is no committee as such. Do call me while in Darjeeling - 9434209887
i hope i make it to the carnival this time..did you know theres a movie named "the darjeeling limited" directed by wes anderson starring andrein brody n ownen wilson coming out in 2008
Dear Jalandip,
Will be good if you can make it to Darj this time for the Carnival. Trying to pull up our socks for the preparations. Let me now if you've got any suggestions to make it better
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